Television Studio 03 /Abu Dhabi Media
A tv studio design project for a sports programme for Abu Dhabi Media (ad sports) channel.
In an audio-visual world, increasingly dominated by virtual reality, the concept for this design is that the studio space – as perceived through the television screen and by the users of the space – be, itself, the generator of the programme’s identity, as opposed to the 2d/3d graphic e ects on screen.
The overall space is defined by a oating wall of aluminium strips, a kind of light curtain that determines two distinctive areas – news presenter and interview zones. The curtain system is made up of a metal structure holding strips of aluminium with back lighting. The aluminium strips can be twisted in accordance with studio needs, sometimes making the backdrop more permeable or transparent, showing the relationship with the studio director/technical team, and other times serving as supports for a ixing screens and equipment whilst providing ventilation.