
Bernardas Monastery Conversion

A heritage project is nothing special; it just needs 20% more fees, because the framework is already there. It doesn’t need ‘intensive care’; it just needs a different kind of attention, because each case is different.
Heritage is not an issue for the political parties because they all say the same, from left to right: ‘Protect our Heritage... Protect our Heritage...’ Nor is it a source of expenditure, an inconvenience, an obstacle – for if it were, then it’s not heritage.
The Convento das Bernardas was a convent (for the Cistercian Bernadine order), a factory and ended up a ruin.
Generally stones like these are linked to programmes such as pousadas, hotels, museums, arts centres, etc. But there’s not enough culture for so much heritage.
We decided to be different... Why not turn it into dwellings? 







































Eduardo Souto de Moura 

Tiago Figueiredo (ccordenação), Elisa Lindade, Ana Rita Alves, Ana Fortuna, Tiago Coelho, João Pedro Mendes, Patrícia Sobral, Ricardo Prata, Pedro Oliveira, Isabel Neves, Diogo Guimarães, Cláudia Romão, Jorge Domingues, Junko Imamura e Marta Pinho 

A2P – Estudos e Projectos, Lda 

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